
Love Zone Alarm. I cannot purchase the commercial version, and have to remove the free edition if I can't find a fix to this problem! It makes most of my web pages come up blank! From some error messages, I think it is blocking access to the DN servers. Using Win2000 and WinXP. ZA Free v 8.5. Firewall Security only (Anti-Virus and Browser Security not in the free product).

10/3/2009 I found this on Zone Alarm's forums This did not fix my problem. Some pages come up fine. Others, even from the same domain, come up blank, report "done" in the lower left corner of firefox, and show no page source ("connection reset" when it is requested.) Under IE, I get "res://ieframe.dll/dnserror.htm#"

I just updated my ZoneAlarmPro to 6.1.737.0 running on XP Home Edition.
I can get to the internet (using Firefox) and can see urls come up in tab
headers but can not see any content, just get a blank page. If I shut down
ZoneAlarm (as I had to do to post this message!), everything works fine.
Any suggestions?? Operating System:Windows XP Home Edition.
Product Name:ZoneAlarm Pro

This is likely caused by your Privacy settings and those settings may
have gotten corrupt in your upgrade. A database reset should fix the problem.
Reset the database this way; you will lose your customizations and will need
to reconfigure Zone Alarm.
1. Boot your computer into the Safe Mode.
2. Navigate to the c:\windows\internet logs folder.
3. Delete the backup.rdb and iamdb.rdb files in the folder.
4.Reboot into the normal mode.

Thanks. That did indeed fix the problem.

{Restarting to Safe Mode Instructions}

The above solution did not fix my problem. Problem remains even if I turn Internet Zone Security and Trusted Zone Security to "Off". Check/uncheck "Filter IP traffic over 1394" changes nothing.

"Program Control" to "Off" fixes the problem. "Program Control" to "On" (Program control is in learning mode) makes the problem. What is the difference?

Changed all program controls to "ask" (relearn). AVG Network scanner Service immediately popped up. Both zones under "Server" can be red-Xed off. Under "Access" both need to be green-checked allowed. Well.. actually, only Internet Zone has to be allowed, but if you allow this, then trusted automatically becomes allowed, too.

Block: Application Gateway Services, AVG Update Module, Bonjour Service.
Must Allow: AVG Network scanner Service.

Created by brian. Last Modification: Saturday 03 of October, 2009 09:47:10 CDT by brian.