
The file structure must be constructed so massive amounts of data may be tagged, sorted and accessed in a logical, efficient fashion. The following format {Year/Month/Date-Shorthand of technique name-Lastname-description of lab} seems to be the most effective. I have created a file folder for each student with the filenames {stud-lastname} and will maintain filenames for professionals with {prof-lastname}. The directory structure is very important and must be kept absolutely clean so that samples are properly stored and filed. I made several errors in the first two labs - the problem fell in the use of my shorthand system for tracking the individual techniques under question. I wil lneed to create a data control sheet designed to guide the file names. This index will need the capacity to expand to include not only rudiments, but also the more complex phrases of time steps, and so on.
At this point, I am considering setting choreography as separate files under the actual dance name. These files will be rather lengthy and will more than likely be points of interest in themselves. More thought is needed on this.

I needed help in setting up the initial directories and moving files around. Brian Mork graciously set about equipping me with the tools to efficiently move one file to another in Windows Explorer. Shrotcuts that were helpful to me included F2 for renaming a file and holding the control key down in order to tag more than one file for the transfer process. He customized the Windows Explorer on the laptap to set up two parallel file directories to make data transfer to new files both efficient and clear.

It would be good to create the files for users as a first step in a UsersProtocol.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday 11 of May, 2008 06:26:38 CDT by admin.