- CostOfJustice
- VennDiagramsAlexanderHamilton
- NationalSecurity
- EarlyRetirementCrowd
- WhatItMeansToBePoor
- HouseMortgages
- BackToTheBeginning
- BiblicalPassagesThatCauseConsternation
- BiblicalFuzziness
- TimeMatters
- Finances
- FlashesofZen
- MilitaryBenefits
- Transcribed from
- SpiritAndHeart
- Finances
- RenewableEnergy
- CreditOrSavings
- ConjugateAttacks (personal, computer, and national security)
- BatchProcessedIndividuals
- KnowingtheAlgorithm
- OutcomeBasedMorality
- HarvardOpenAccessPublicationPolicy - an exercise in coercing other institutions
- FederalGovernmentBuysYourLife - 2/2009
- Gold
- LEDSignsAndReality
- Quotes
- TheDifferential
- RiskvsReturn
- SecondMortgages
- StochasitcOscillator
- StockMarketTechnicalIndicators
- UsingCreditToFundYour401k
- MortgageLineItemCosts
- RefinanceMortgages
- JoeStackLastWords, prior to flying his airplane into an IRS building, February 2010.
- PeopleLikeChange
eBay Alternatives
Things have kind of gotten out of control now that eBay requires electronic payment after they bought Paypal. It isn't like the eBay of old. By requiring the Business or Premier Paypal account, they force me to pay commission on even transactions that have nothing to do with auctions! Instead, I want only a Personal eBay account with no transaction costs.As of March 2008, selling on eBay costs:
- eBay Fees
- 8.75% final value fee
- $0.10 insertion fee
- Paypal Fees
- 2.9%+$0.30 (also imposed on all non-eBay transactions).
- Total cost: 11.65% + $0.40.
Created by admin. Last Modification: December 2020 by brian.